Nervous System Clinic

A Clínica do Sistema Nervoso procura dar a melhor resposta a todas as solicitações de colaboração pedidas pelas diferentes Clínicas Oncológicas e Serviços do Instituto. Assim, rege-se por Protocolos de Orientação Terapêutica, emanados de consensos Internacionais. A missão da Clínica está centrada na assistência especializada na área da Neurocirurgia aos doentes do IPO-Porto e abre-se, de acordo com a solicitação da Administração da Instituição, a outras atividades assistenciais na esfera das suas competências.
Número de Doentes
*Dados relativos ao ano de 2019/2020

The Nervous System Clinic seeks to provide the best answer to all cooperation requests asked by the different Oncological Clinics and Services in the Institute, regarding diagnosis and treatment within the scope of this Speciality. Thus, it is governed by the Therapeutic Guidance Protocols, issued by International consensuses.


The Nervous System Clinic’s mission is to provide specialized assistance in the Neurosurgery area to IPO-Porto patients and it opens up, according to requests from the Institution’s Administration, to other assistance activities within its competences.


The Nervous System Clinic intends to develop as a Reference Centre, whether inside and outside the Institution, regarding the treatment of brain and vertebrae oncological pathologies.

It intends to continue its innovative continuous training program, including joining multicentre studies, both national and international.

It intends to maintain a close cooperation with the best Speciality International Centres.


The values that guide the Clinic’s activity are: respect and promoting the patient’s independence; therapeutic action according to the state of the art; concern for the resources’ usage optimization; contribute to improve health gains in oncology/neurology; the will to reach institutional objectives.


Provide healthcare to patients with the teamwork spirit for a common good; provide the best assistance possible to the patient and his/her family.

Favour the patient’s satisfaction regarding assistance and therapeutic care.

Assure the quality of the services provided, which is controlled and evaluated by implementing the quality improvement objectives, annually planned and assessed.

Assure the compliance of the patient’s rights charter, namely regarding confidentiality, dignity, privacy, culture and religious beliefs.

Promote permanent training and updating of the service professionals, according to the directives given for this area by the Management and training entities of IPO-Porto.

Guarantee that the current rules of the Institution are complied with.


Nervous System Clinic
Médico Orientador
Dr. Machado Carvalho
Enfermeiro Coordenador
Enf. Inês Dias


Edifício Principal, piso 3